Had to Stop and Think. A Smart PDF?

Scrolling through LinkedIn the other day, a few connections had liked and shared a post where my initial response was, “That… That is stupid. Who would want that?” The link is below: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6544282671579754496 What on earth?  Why would I ask a PDF a question?  The first two things I saw that were wrong were: I’m…

The Best Conference You’ve Never Been To

Depending on the industry you’re in (and the amount of money you’re spending, I suppose) you get a wide range of conferences to attend.  Being in technology, I’ve been to great big ones in great big cities, and I’ve been to small ones in great big cities.  One of the best of all of the…

People are STILL Mostly Good, Right?

For the most part, I’m in the camp that people are basically good.  I think that’s a safe assumption to make in most cases.  Okay…  Maybe it isn’t safe, but I’ll amend my statement to at least say that it’s the right assumption to make. Then little things happen that tick me off and make me…

A House and a Home

For the last, gosh, two or more years, we’ve been looking for a new house.  How on earth can it take so long?  Well, we are somewhat unique in the world of home buyers, although we aren’t that unique within our circle of friends, but we do have some desires in a home that others…