The Site
Having a personal website is a challenging thing and something I’ve done since I started college. I don’t have all the posts from then, nor do I have a record of all the incarnations of how that design has changed and evolved. Really, it boils down to where are my priorities. When it was just me, I could focus on just me and it was all about me. Now, I have a family and our focus on faith to consider!
My Family
I have a wonderful wife, five fantastic kids, a dog and a career to attend to, and by far my favorite piece is the family. However, since I also use this platform for career related things, there are links to CVs, LinkedIn and so on and so forth.
The Posts
If you’re looking at articles prior to 2017, heaven knows what you’ll find. If you’re looking at articles after 2017… well, who knows what you’ll find there too!